The scope of any financial planning and/or consulting services to be provided depends upon the needs of the client. We do not serve as an attorney, an accountant, nor an insurance agent; no portion of our services should be construed as such. Accordingly, we do not prepare estate planning documents, tax returns, nor sell insurance products.
Tax Planning
Like many successful professionals, you may believe that you have an estate plan in place, but chances are what might be your single largest asset, your retirement account, may be exposed to significant taxation. We can help you navigate through these tax issues with your retirement accounts.
Trust Services
Many clients have created one or more trusts as part of their estate plan as a means to ensure the wealth they have created will pass on how, and to whom, they choose. Essential to the operation of these trusts and ultimately to their success of meeting client goals, are two key factors: the selection of an appropriate trustee and ongoing, appropriate management of investment assets in the trust.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Whether you are about to retire, just retired, left one company to join another, or want to downsize, the question you may ask yourself is: Now what? We can help you take your 401K and invest the money to meet your needs.
Invest Philosophy
Our investment philosophy is very simple: we use multiple asset classes to meet your investment objectives. This is not a get-rich-quick strategy or a “hot-tip” investment product. Instead, we employ a disciplined process that sophisticated institutional investors have followed for decades in managing their investments. Our goals for our clients are conserve capital, provide income (if needed) and provide growth in the portfolio.
Retirement Income
Most people do not have a pension plan in place and most companies no longer offer pension plans to ensure their employees are safe after retirement. Most investors do not know how much money they will need for retirement for financial security later in life. Such lack of awareness is a paradox because this target number is such a critical variable when planning for retirement. Our main goal is to turn your retirement accounts into pension-like plans by providing income to you all while your principal is holding steady.
Estate Planning
Fact: IRA and 401(k) beneficiary designation forms supersede wills and trusts that are in place. Generally, one of the first things we do with new clients is review their current beneficiary designation forms on all investment accounts. Most people are very surprised to see where their money would go when they die. Our Investment Advisors can also help you find an estate attorney that fits your needs, if and when you decide that you need one.